2026 Elections
*Note: The information contained herein is subject to change/correction, based on changes in the law and/or other considerations/factors. Please contact the Knox County Election Commission at 865-215-2480 for clarification or verification of below information.
- Information contained herein is subject to change. Please consult the Election Commission website for the latest information.
- Both independent and partisan candidates have the same qualifying deadlines as listed for each office.
- Offices and referendum questions are subject to be added to the ballot of any election.
- Vacancy elections are to fill the remainder of an unexpired term.
Tuesday, May 5, 2026
Offices on the ballot:
- County Mayor
- County Commission - Districts 3 and 7
- County Commission - Seats 10 and 11
- Trustee
- Sheriff
- Circuit Court Clerk
- Criminal Court Clerk
- County Clerk
- Register of Deeds
- Board of Education - Districts 1, 4, 6, 7, and 9
- Monday, December 22, 2025 – First day to pick up a petition
- Wednesday, February 4, 2026 - First day to request an absentee ballot (90 days prior to election)
- Thursday, February 19, 2026 at NOON – Petition Deadline
- Thursday, February 26, 2026 at NOON – Withdrawal Deadline
- Monday, April 6, 2026 - Final day to register to vote before election
- Wednesday, April 15, 2026 - First day of Early Voting period
- Saturday, April 25, 2026 - Final day to request an absentee ballot (10 days prior to election)
- Thursday, April 30, 2026 - Final day of Early Voting period
- Tuesday, May 5, 2026 - Election Day
Thursday, August 6, 2026
Offices on the Federal/State Primary (Republican and Democratic) ballot:
- Governor
- US Senate
- United States House of Representatives, District 2
- Tennessee Senate - Districts 5 and 7
- Tennessee House of Representatives - Districts 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 89, and 90
- Republican State Executive Committeeman - Districts 5, 6, and 7
- Republican State Executive Committeewoman - Districts 5, 6, and 7
- Democratic State Executive Committeeman - Districts 5, 6, and 7
- Democratic State Executive Committeewoman - Districts 5, 6, and 7
Offices on the Knox County General ballot:
- County Mayor
- County Commission - Districts 3 and 7
- County Commission - Seats 10 and 11
- Trustee
- Sheriff
- Circuit Court Clerk
- Criminal Court Clerk
- County Clerk
- Register of Deeds
- Board of Education - Districts 1, 4, 6, 7, and 9
Offices on the Town of Farragut Municipal (non-partisan) ballot:
- Mayor – Town of Farragut
- Alderman, Wards 1 and 2 – Town of Farragut
- Friday, January 9, 2026 - First day to pick up a petition for Federal/State Primary candidates, State Executive Committee candidates, and Town of Farragut candidates
- Tuesday, March 10, 2026 at NOON – Petition Deadline for Federal/State Primary candidates, State Executive Committee candidates, and Town of Farragut candidates
- Tuesday, March 17, 2026 at NOON – Withdrawal Deadline for Federal/State Primary candidates, State Executive Committee candidates, and Town of Farragut candidates
- Friday, May 8, 2026 - First day to request an absentee ballot (90 days prior to election)
- Tuesday, July 7, 2026 - Final day to register to vote before election
- Friday, July 17, 2026 - First day of Early Voting period
- Monday, July 27, 2026 - Final day to request an absentee ballot (10 days prior to election)
- Saturday, August 1, 2026 - Final day of Early Voting period
- Thursday, August 6, 2026 - Election Day
Tuesday, November 3, 2026
Offices on the ballot:
- Governor
- US Senate
- United States House of Representatives, District 2
- Tennessee Senate - Districts 5 and 7
- Tennessee House of Representatives - Districts 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 89, and 90
- Wednesday, August 5, 2026 - First day to request an absentee ballot
- Monday, October 5, 2026 - Final day to register to vote before election
- Wednesday, October 14, 2026 - First day of Early Voting period
- Saturday, October 24, 2026 - Final day to request an absentee ballot
- Thursday, October 29, 2026 - Final day of Early Voting period
- Tuesday, November 3, 2026 - Election Day