The Clerk and Master is appointed to his office by the Chancellors and is charged with all the clerical and administrative duties conferred upon all elected clerks of court in Tennessee and is further authorized by statutes, by the Local Rules of Practice and by Court Order to serve as a Master in Chancery for the Sixth Judicial District. The Clerk and Master is required to discharge and perform the duties of his office diligently, honestly, impartially, courteously and efficiently. The Clerk and Master employs deputy clerks to assist the office in opening new cases, maintaining the Court files and records, setting the docket and providing support to the Chancellors during hearings on matters brought before the Court.
In addition to the administrative duties in the Chancery Division, the Clerk and Master in Knox County also serves as a judicial officer for the Probate Division and oversees the probate of wills and administration of decedents’ estates.
J. Scott Griswold, Clerk and Master

400 W. Main Street
City-County Building, Suite 125
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Phone: (865) 215-2555
Fax: (865) 215-2920