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To the Civil Sessions Court online Dockets. To streamline efficiency and promote a cleaner, greener environment, the Circuit Court Clerk has implemented this new online Docket to save tax dollars and make the court more accessible and efficient to the public. Civil Sessions Court is the primary court for handling “Pro Se” litigants (ie: plaintiff(s) and defendant(s) are not represented by an attorney).
2025 Weekly Court Dates
(click on dates below) |
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No Court
The following case listings are reproductions of the official Docket and current as of each Friday at 1:00 p.m. Every effort has been made to assure their accuracy. However, in the event of a discrepancy between these listings and the official Dockets, the official Docket shall control. Should you have a time-sensitive issue, or need case information, please call (865) 215-2518 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST.
These case listings are provided as a courtesy by the Circuit Court Clerk and are not binding upon the courts. Official information may only be obtained by inspection of the warrants and other related documents in the court clerk's office.