Permanent Road Closures: Click here for permanent road closure information.
Temporary Road Closures: The map below displays temporary road closures due to Knox County projects such as for capital project improvements or general maintenance. This map displays closures initiated by Knox County Engineering and Public Works which will impact one or two way traffic for a period greater than 2 consecutive days. Mapped closures do not include TDOT, Utility or Railroad-initiated closures or emergency closures. For more information, please email us or call 865-215-5800.
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Permanent Road Closures: Engineering and Public Works may permanently close a road or right of way as a result of an engineering project or public safety decision. Citizens also have the right to request a road or right of way closure in the county. Road and right of way closure requests are subject to the requirements of “Rule VI Section C. Road and Right of Way Closure” of the Knox County Commission Rules. The closure must be approved by Knox County Commission. A guide can be found here. For more information, please email