Reports to the Taxpayer
The Department of Finance is responsible for the preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The ACFR is recognized as the “official annual report” of a government.

The ACFR contains three basic sections. The first is the introductory section, which provides general information on the government’s structure, personnel, economic situation and finances. The second is the financial section, which provides information on fund types, individual funds and account groups. Third, the statistical section provides a broad range of trend data covering key financial indicators from the past ten fiscal years (e.g., general governmental revenues and expenditures, property tax collection, debt burden, etc.). It also contains demographic and miscellaneous data useful in assessing the County’s financial situation.
These sections are designed to serve the needs of three primary users of external financial reports. The introductory section, for example, is targeted to meet the needs of a particular primary user group. It is more accessible than other areas of the ACFR to taxpayers and citizens, as well as to others who might not possess a detailed understanding of accounting and finance. The financial section is of particular interest to legislative and oversight bodies. Those interested in assessing the government’s credit worthiness especially appreciate the broader time frame and economic perspective offered by the statistical section.
Un-audited, internal, interim financial reports are made available to the County Commission on a monthly basis.