Fall Prevention
Do you want to stay independent and live in your home as long as possible? Stop falls before they stop you!
As adults age, their sight, balance and ability to get around may change. These changes can make older individuals more susceptible to falling. There are proven ways to reduce the risk of falling by regular exercise/activity, managing medications, getting eyes checked regularly, and making sure a home is safe. For additional information on these recommendations, please see the section below.
What steps are recommended to prevent falls?

It is important that exercises for older adults focus on endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. KCHD offers a strength and balance program called Stay Active and Independent for Life (S.A.I.L.), which include classes in the community. These classes feature fun instructors, lively music and exercises to keep older adults strong and independent.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist to review medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) on a regular basis, especially if new medications are added or if doses change. Medications that may cause side effects, such as dizziness or drowsiness should be taken with caution. Being aware of the side effects can help older adults or their caregiver take the necessary precautions to stay safe and prevent falls.

As older adults age, their vision may diminish, particularly if they have an eye disease, so it’s important to get a check up. It’s recommended that older adults have their eyes checked by an eye doctor every 1 – 2 years.

Don't let home be a danger zone for you or your loved one! A few ways to make homes safer include: reducing clutter, adding grab bars inside and outside the tub or shower and next to the toilet, adding railings on both sides of stairways, and improving lighting in the home.
Rachel Frazier, Public Health Educator – Fall Prevention
Email: Rachel.fraizer@knoxcounty.org
Phone: (865) 215-5175
On the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August), KCHD will open at 11 a.m. due to monthly in-service.
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