Knox County Tennessee

Reports and Data

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Reports help in understanding risks that contribute to health issues in adults and children. They identify where our population is at on the local level and identify the priority health issues our departments need to address.

Community Surveys

Surveys conducted on Knox County

Mental Health Report – This comprehensive report explores the state of mental health in Knox County.

BRFSS – Knox County’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is a telephone health survey system, tracking health conditions and risk behaviors.

Knox County Middle School YRBS – The Youth Risk Behavior Survey tracks risk behaviors in Knox County’s middle school students.

Knox County High School YRBS - The Youth Risk Behavior Survey tracks risk behaviors in Knox County's middle school students.

Community Health Assessment (CHA) - Reports detailing Knox County's priority health issues.

Additional Archived Reports:

Naloxone Community Collaborative | Harm Reduction Coalition

Knox County Naloxone Deployment by First Responder. This report aids in understanding the scope and depth of the opioid crisis in Knox County.

Community Research Collaborations

KCHD Healthy Brain Initiative Focus Group Report, April 2024-The purpose of this project was to promote early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias through workforce development. To inform these efforts, four key objectives were developed: community assessment, convening an interdisciplinary workgroup, conducting focus groups, and offering opportunities for interviews and surveys. This report contains results from the project conducted by KCHD in collaboration with Three3 as part of the Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map Strategist Program.

Park Access and Physical Activity Report- The study examines park access and how residents use their local park for physical activity. This study is part of the Community Health Improvement Plan (2016-2019) which addresses access to safe parks, greenways and sidewalks.

  • Access to Parks and Physical Activity Report 2019
    • This study was conducted by the UT Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Studies and the Department of Public Health, in partnership with KCHD and the City of Knoxville City Parks and Recreation Department.

COVID-19 Data

Find COVID-19 and additional respiratory illness data from the Tennessee Department of Health and the CDC here.


Don’t see what you’re looking for? Have a data request, inquiry, or want some specific statistics? We can help!

Call: (865) 215-5093


Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555

On the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August), KCHD will open at 11 a.m. due to monthly in-service.