The Knox County Health Department is committed to prioritizing healthy aging and ensuring that aging well is a core function of public health. Please see below for healthy aging resources in the following categories: physical activity, disease prevention/management, mental health/social opportunities, social services, and miscellaneous.
City of Knoxville Parks and Recreation: Find information on city parks, greenways, events and senior centers. Some senior program highlights include arts and crafts, aquatic classes, softball, pickleball and more. More info here: Parks & Recreation - City of Knoxville.
Fall Prevention and SAIL (Stay Active & Independent for Life): Get information on how to prevent falls, how to make your home safer, and our SAIL classes around Knox County. SAIL includes exercise, education and self-assessments. More info here: S.A.I.L. - Stay Active & Independent for Life - Health Department - Knox County Tennessee Government.
Intergenerational Playspace at Beverly Park: A space where multiple generations can take part in physical, visual, audible and cognitive experiences while being outdoors. More info here: Intergenerational Playspace at Beverly Park – Legacy Parks Foundation.
Knox County Parks and Recreation: Find walking trails and greenways, park maps and programs, volunteer opportunities, and more here: Parks & Recreation - Knox County Tennessee Government.
Alzheimer's and Related Dementias: The Alzheimer's Association provides helpful resources and support here: Alzheimer's & Dementia Resources | Alzheimer's Association. Also, for additional tips on improving brain health, visit 10 Healthy Habits for Your Brain | Alzheimer's Association and Adopt a Healthy Diet | Alzheimer's Association.
Diabetes Management Classes: KCHD hosts free in-person diabetes management classes three times a year. These classes discuss topics including the role of diet and exercise, medications and management. Info and registration here: Diabetes Management - Heart Health and Diabetes Management - Health Department - Knox County Tennessee Government.
Heart Health Classes: KCHD hosts free in-person heart health classes twice a year. These classes include information on healthy eating, exercise, weight management, goal setting and more. Info and registration here: Heart Health - Heart Health and Diabetes Management - Health Department - Knox County Tennessee Government.
Online Classes: KCHD has online diabetes management and heart health classes that can be viewed anytime in both English and Spanish. You can access these classes here: Online Diabetes Management Classes - Health Department - Knox County Tennessee Government.
Routine Immunizations: KCHD offers routine immunizations by appointment only at two clinic locations: our Travel and Immunization Clinic (865-215-5070) and our West Clinic (865-215-5950). Some vaccines recommended for those age 50 and above include Shingles vaccine, Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and hepatitis B vaccine.
Knox County Public Library: Find information on library locations and an extensive calendar of events with activities ranging from book clubs and craft workshops to helpful classes on Social Security and Medicare. Learn more here: Home | Knox County Public Library.
Knox County Senior Centers/John T. O’Connor Senior Center: These local centers feature an array of activities. They range from fitness and healthcare-related topics to special events, dances, and card games. Knox County Senior Centers info: Senior Centers - Knox County Senior Services - Knox County Tennessee. John T O'Connor Senior Center info: John T. O’Connor Senior Center – Office on Aging.
Volunteer Programs: Knox County has several ways to volunteer and give back to the community. Please see below for a list of places where you can volunteer.
Knox County Food Resource Guide: This guide includes a list of food assistance programs, community resources, and food pantries. It’s available in English here: FoodResourceGuideflyer.pdf, and en Español aquí: FoodResourceGuideflyer_S.pdf.
Knox County Veteran Services: This office assists veterans and their dependents by providing information on federal and state benefits and helping them file applications for VA insurance, health benefits, disability compensation and more. Learn more here: Veterans Services - Knox County Tennessee.
Mobile Meals: Knox County’s Meals on Wheels program delivers hot, nutritious meals to homebound and isolated older adults. To apply for this program, call 865-524-2786. Find more information here: Mobile Meals & Senior Nutrition Program – Office on Aging.
Pet Services: Knox County’s Office on Aging has compiled several resources for senior pet owners who may need assistance with supplies, support for pet loss and more. You can find out more here: Pet Services – Office on Aging.
Transportation: Knox County’s Office on Aging provides a list of nonemergency transportation that seniors can use for medical appointments, to and from assisted living facilities and nursing homes, and more. Find out more here: Transportation – Office on Aging.
East Tennessee Human Resource Agency (ETHRA): Provides services throughout the East Tennessee region including housing, utility assistance, transportation, grocery assistance and more. Learn more here: East Tennessee Human Resource Agency Workforce Development | ETHRA.
Grandparents as Parents: This guidebook includes information and resources for grandparents and other relative caregivers to assist with the responsibilities and challenges of raising grandchildren. Find the guidebook here: Grandparents as Parents: A family roots guide for grandparents raising grandchildren.
Knoxville-Knox County CAC’s Office on Aging Senior Services Directory: This A to Z directory includes information and resources on an array of topics. Some include housing, medical care, transportation, computer services, retirement benefits and more. Find the directory here: 2023-2025 Senior Services Directory – Office on Aging.
Safe Senior TN: An online resource with information on how to avoid healthcare fraud, financial exploitation, and more, along with guidance on social media, email and cell phone safety. Find more info here: Home | SafeSeniorTN.
Tennessee Department of Health Office of Healthy Aging: TDH provides information and resources on palliative care, elder abuse, Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias, and more. For more information, visit Office of Healthy Aging.
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