Knox County Tennessee

Service Guide A to Z

  • All4Knox image

    All4Knox is a joint City of Knoxville/Knox County initiative that provides education, resources, and data about substance misuse.

  • Parents as Teachers image

    KCHD's Centers of Excellence (COE) Clinic is a specialty clinic that provides care to those infected with HIV.

  • CHANT image

    Our CHANT (Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee) program helps link participants to health services and community resources. It’s FREE for pregnant women and any adult with a child in the home under the age of 21.

  • Chronic Disease image

    Find out more information on diabetes, heart health, how to access healthy food, and free online and in-person classes from our team of nutritionists.

  • Communicable Disease Control (CDC) Clinic image

    KCHD’s Communicable Disease Control (CDC) Clinic focuses on preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and other communicable diseases through testing and treatment.

  • Community Health Council image

    The Knox County Community Health Council focuses on addressing health challenges and barriers in the county. The council works with community partners to identify real and sustainable solutions for our residents.

  • Dental image

    KCHD’s Dental Clinic provides basic dental care for children and emergency dental services for eligible adults in Knox County.

  • Emergency Prepardness image

    KCHD’s Emergency Preparedness Division provides resources to help your family, business, or organization prepare for emergencies. Also, they partner with other agencies to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from man-made and natural disasters.

  • Environmental image

    KCHD’s Environmental Health Division enforces regulations of permitted facilities and educates the citizens of Knox County about good public health practices. They regulate restaurants, pools, hotels, daycares, schools, and body arts studios.

  • Epidemiology image

    KCHD’s Epidemiology program conducts surveillance and follow-up investigations of 54 diseases that are reportable by law in Tennessee. This team also collects data, performs statistical analysis, and documents these results in reports.

  • Healthy Habits image

    Healthy Habits is a two-part program that combines seminars for early childhood educators and food literacy programming for students at early childhood education centers.

  • Healthy Living image

    Find information and resources on nutrition, chronic disease management/prevention, senior fall prevention, tobacco cessation, and more.

  • Immunization Program image

    KCHD's Immunization Program provides vaccine records to Knox County residents and those attending Knox County Schools.

  • Knox Teen Health image

    Knox Teen Health is a blog run by KAPPI that helps foster conversations about healthy minds, bodies, and relationships between teens and their parents and guardians.

  • Maternal and Child Health image

    KCHD provides families with guidance, resources and programs to succeed and grow strong together. These resources include family support programs, clinical services, and education that will benefit you and your family.

  • Medical Records image

    KCHD’s Medical Records department assists with records requests and provides guidance.

  • NEAT image

    N.E.A.T., or Nutrition Education Activity Training, is a program designed to teach and promote healthy eating behaviors among youth in Knox County.

  • CHANT image

    This free prenatal to kindergarten program improves children’s school readiness, provides early detection of developmental delays, and offers fun community events for participants.

  • Stay Active and Independent for Life image

    Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is an evidence-based program designed to prevent falls and includes exercise classes, educational materials and self-assessments.

  • Substance  Misuse Response Division image

    KCHD’s Substance Misuse Response Division provides community HIV and HCV testing, public health education on substance misuse, peer navigation for substance use and mental health disorders, and more.

  • Tobacco Use Prevention image

    Find resources for tobacco cessation here. Also, learn more about our Power to Quit program, which is designed to help and support pregnant women quit smoking.

  • Travel and Immunization Clinic image

    KCHD’s Travel and Immunization Clinic provides travel vaccine, childhood and adult immunizations and newborn screenings. There is an administration fee, which may be covered by insurance.

  • Vital Records image

    KCHD’s Tuberculosis Clinic provides services for risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment of TB including TB testing, chest x-rays, laboratory examinations, medications and hospitalization if necessary.

  • Violence Prevention image

    KCHD’s Violence Prevention program provides prevention services, program development, and education outreach. You can also find domestic violence and sexual assault resources here.

  • Vital Records image

    KCHD’s Vital Records Program provides birth and death certificates in person at 140 Dameron Ave. and via online requests.

  • West Clinic image

    KCHD’s West Clinic is located at 1028 Old Cedar Bluff and provides services including routine immunizations, STI testing, family planning, and more.

  • WIC

    WIC image

    WIC helps thousands of families in Knox County with good food, helpful advice and referrals to community resources. WIC serves pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants, and children under the age of five who qualify.

  • Women's Health Clinic image

    KCHD’s Women’s Health Clinic offers services including birth control, pregnancy tests, gynecology care, and no cost mammograms and pap smears for those who qualify.

  • Worksite Wellness image

    In collaboration with the East Tennessee Wellness Roundtable, KCHD can provide educational materials, support, and guidance to assist employers with worksite wellness.

  • Youth Health Board image

    The Youth Health Board is an effort between KCHD and Coordinated School Health that serves as an opportunity for youth to gain skills and to affect the health of our community.

Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555

On the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August), KCHD will open at 11 a.m. due to monthly in-service.