- All4Knox
- Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
- Breastfeeding Support
- CHANT Coordinated Care
- Child sexual abuse prevention
- Diabetes Management Series
- Early Prenatal Care
- Emergency Preparedness
- Epidemiology Program
- Healthy Aging
- Healthy Habits
- Immunizations
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
- N.E.A.T.
- Nutrition Guidelines for Pregnant Women
- Parents as Teachers
- Preconception health and health care
- Premature Births
- Senior Fall Prevention/Unintentional Injuries
- Safe Routes to School
- The ABCs of safe sleep for your baby
- Strong Baby Project
- Tobacco Use Prevention
- Together! Healthy Knox
- Violence Prevention
- Worksite Wellness
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Addressing the problems of teen pregnancy, KAPPI (Knox Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative) is based at the Knox County Health Department and is part of a statewide effort. More
Breastfeeding Support
Resources for mothers and the greater community, this section includes information on a Community Breastfeeding Resources guide, Breastfeeding Welcomed Here business pledge, the Knox Breastfriends support group, as well as the prenatal breastfeeding education and counseling toolkit and the TN Breastfeeding hotline. More
Diabetes Management Series
Helping participants learn how proper diet, medication, stress management and exercise can keep you healthier. More
Early Prenatal Care
Having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to promote a healthy birth. Prenatal care should begin in the first trimester of your pregnancy and continue with regular visits throughout your pregnancy as recommended by your physician. More.
Emergency Preparedness
Works to establish and ensure public health preparedness and effective response capability to infectious disease outbreaks, bioterrorism, public health threats and other emergencies.
Epidemiology Program
Conducting surveillance and follow-up investigations of 54 diseases that are reportable by law in Tennessee. More
KCHD is committed to prioritizing healthy aging and ensuring that aging well is a core function of public health. Find more info on healthy aging resources in the following categories: physical activity, disease prevention/management, mental health/social opportunities, social services, and miscellaneous. More
Healthy Habits
Promoting physical activity, breastfeeding and healthy eating at childcare centers through staff education and system and environmental changes. Environmental changes are made to the physical environment of a space. System changes are made to change the rules of an organization to promote healthy lifestyles. More
Just like good nutrition, exercise and regular checkups, vaccines play a vital role in keeping you healthy throughout your life – from childhood through your senior years. more.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
Read more about this condition as well as the resources available in our community. More.
Coupling policies for nutrition and physical activity with role modeling to improve the health of youth who are at high-risk for developing unhealthy lifestyle and eating behaviors. More
Nutrition Guidelines for Pregnant Women
During pregnancy, your baby is counting on you for the nutrients he or she needs to grow healthy and strong. Read more about the types and quantities of foods you should have and avoid during pregnancy. More.
Preconception health and health care
Focusing on things you can do before and between pregnancies to increase the chances of having a healthy baby. More.
Premature Births
Babies born before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy are considered premature or preterm, and prematurity is the leading cause of infant death in Knox County. Learn how to prevent preterm births. More.
Senior Fall Prevention/Unintentional Injuries
Addressing senior fall prevention and health as well as injury prevention. More
Safe Routes to School
The Knox County Safe Routes to School Partnership works to make it safer, easier and more fun for kids to get to and from school under their own power. More
The ABCs of safe sleep for your baby
By promoting the ABCs of Safe Sleep, we can prevent infant deaths related to unsafe sleeping conditions. It’s important for parents, grandparents and anyone who cares for an infant to understand these simple steps. More
Strong Baby Project
Promoting healthier families and infants. Learn more about this project and what all of us can do to make sure our community is full of strong babies. More.
Tobacco Use Prevention and Control
Providing information, education and programming for prevention, tobacco use cessation and secondhand smoke awareness. More
Together! Healthy Knox
Building a diverse, vibrant community that nurtures good health and quality of life. More
Violence Prevention
Offering services, program development and technical support to help prevent rape, sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence in Knox County. More
Worksite Wellness
Providing educational materials, support and guidance to assist employers in making well choices for and with their employees. More
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